Having acquired EIFA’s (L’Ecole Internationale Franco – Anglaise) first London premises at 36 Portland Place London W1B 1LS (approx. 7,527 sq ft acquired in 2012) after an extensive initial search spanning over 18 months, MB&A identified the impending availability of Duchess House, Duchess Street London W1 in November 2014. After many months of discussion and negotiation with the outgoing occupier and the landlord, the Howard de Walden Estate, as well as the local planning authority (Westminster City Council) in order to establish a D1 Education Use, EIFA finally completed the acquisition in Dec 2015. The new school will be opening in September 2016.
Duchess House comprises approx. 11,100 sq. ft of formerly B1 Office accommodation (now D1 Education Use) as largely open plan and built behind the listed Georgian facade.
Duchess House is Grade II listed and was originally built c.1769-71 by Robert Adam, as the stable-coach house to Chandos House, Queen Anne Street.